ISERT Events 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023
- Technical Talk on Data Science and Machine Learning
- Technical Talk on IOT and ITS Application by ISERT
- Online Seminar on Cyber Security by ISERT
- Introducing – Virtual Internships Program by ISERT
- How To Prepare, Why To Prepare & How To Crack The Competitive Exam
- Connecting Industries, Institution and Students via SelectSmart
- Robotics Process Automation – Fundamentals
- Fiber Optics and its Applications
- Personality Management for your career
- Dream Your Goals
- New Journey of Online Learning
- Understanding Embedded Systems
- Leap your productivity
- Growth Mindset
- Big Data Fundamentals
- Python Image Processing (Lecture#1)
- Software Quality Assesment Lecture#1
- Emotional Intelligence
- Planning for a successful future
- RFID in IoT
- Hardware & Device Management
- Safety by Design
- Lean 5S
- Information Security
- How to find a job and survive life
- Dr APJ Abdulkalam Endowment Webinar
- Trends and Oppprtunities in Civil Engineering
- Fundamentals of Cyber Security
- Japanese Language
- E4U – Training Orientation Program
- Natural Language Processing
- Digital Job Opportunities in Software Test Engineering
- 3D Printing Technologies Buiding a New World
- Powerlaunching your career with ISERT
- Lean Manufacturing
- Hands on workshop on select smart digital platform
- What Makes an Engineer Successful
- Power Launching Your Career
- Demystifying IP
- Cyber Security
- Gaming and Simulations
- VLSI Design Verilog
- Machine Learning
- VLSI – Lecture#2
- Stress Management During Lockdown
- VLSI – Lecture#1
- AI & ML 5G