Career in Cloud Computing

Cloud computing is ruling the IT industry at present and is the probably the golden period if you are into cloud computing. As the usage of cloud computing is increasing by leaps and bounds, there is a sudden spur in cloud computing professionals. Let’s look through cloud computing and career opportunities.

Cloud computing is about remote information storage, accessible via the internet. Cloud computing is divided into three major areas.

  • Platform as a service (PAAS)

  • Infrastructure as a service (IAAS)

  • Software as a Service (SAAS)

With this technology planning, developing as well as testing and implantation of various projects of any size becomes easier, speedier and accurate.

To be a successful cloud computing professional, you need to have your base clear and strong. A lot of practice as far as your skills are concerned and keeping oneself updated with the latest is a must. Careers in cloud computing include that of cloud consultant, cloud architect, software engineer and cloud software application engineer, to name a few. Create a resume that talks about your skills and certifications if any in a clear manner. It needs to include technical skills, soft skills, internship, Experience and Certification. Do check out for universal skills that need to be added to your resume. The primary requirement for any company today is to have sound cloud computing skills. If you have that, then rest can be taken care off. So, primarily you need to be thorough with your cloud computing basics and concepts. The most integral concept of the cloud is DevOps. To be well versed with DevOPs, you need to be well versed with containers, integration, delivery as well as virtualization.

Practice makes man perfect. Well, it does hold true with cloud computing skills as well. A smart way to hone your skills is to make use of Google Cloud computer platform. It a very useful platform if you want to gain some hands on experience. If is flexible platform wherein it offers you the opportunity to start up your own project. As far as certifications go there are a lot of certifications that can give you the edge over your competitors. These include Microsoft Azure Certifications, IBM Certified Solution Architect, Google Cloud Platform Cloud Academy, Certified Cloud Professional and more.

Well, Cloud computing is arrived and here to stay and so if you are already looking forward to a career in cloud computing, go for it.

*Sourced from the Internet

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