Women’s Day Celebration 2021
Chief Guest : Dr .SukanyaHegde
Principal at INIMS Degree college& Director at Nims Management Institute.
Guests of Honor : Ms.Amulya V
Managing Director, Cholmah Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
Date : 8th April 2021
Venue : Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam Hall,RRCE
Participants : All Ladies Staff/Students of the Institute
Every year, March 8 is celebrated as International Women’s Day. The goal is to create a gender-equal world. It is about celebrating a women’s success and raising awareness against bias.
Women are strong, powerful and invincible. With thousands of mantras encouraging women’s existence every day, a special day is indeed a necessity to celebrate women’s achievements in all aspects of life. Whether she’s a teacher, homemaker, economist, engineer or pioneer, women have been making the world a better place with their infinite strength, determination and belief. With power enough to shatter the shackles of patriarchy, women are rising above societal hurdles every single day, making them a stronger force to reckon with, in modern times.
This year we Rajarajeswari College of Engineering celebrated ‘International Women’s Day’ on 8th April 2021 with a great significance.
Dignitaries in their speech welcomed all the ladies to the special occasion of Women’s day Celebration.
Dr. Sukanya Hegde spoke about the significance of women’s day celebration and the presence of a woman which has given a strong impact in everyone’s life. She tell one story about how to live a value added life and they gave one Formula for savings.
Savings ≠ Earning – Expenditure
Expenditure =Savings – Earnings
One of our esteemed alumnus Ms. Amulya V spoke about her experience in develops one company and the problems faced during this pandemics. She also talk on how to achieve our goals and continue our fashion of life.
The function followed with cultural, Games and more programs with a refreshing lunch. Function concluded with a great delight from all the women who witness the celebration.